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Here would be a good place for other stuff, like an Okcounter, tag-board, guestbook, etc.!


"Art consists of limitation. The most beautiful part of every picture is the frame."
-G. K. Chesterton





Big Fish fan




Layout © Mahouteki

HeY i thouGht i shoulD upDate the siTe a LIL bIt i hopE u enJOy it and KEEp siGning the guesTbOOK and leAVing COmmenTs, cHEck ouT the reCEntLy (S0meWhat addED QuiZzezs and My art ANd friEdns arT hopefULLy there will bE a faN art secTion SOOn and rememBEr foRm mEETs FunCtIon<3 joSiE

Also, please leave the credit to me on the layout for the design. I would really appreciate that. Thanx!